Primer Barrier Washer: LCA16, LCA22, LCA27, LCA35, LCA50, LCA70 & LCA100 We present the most efficient equipment on the market with various models and features, which offer up to 60% energy savings. Because investing in quality and efficiency means investing in the future. When the investment is shown by high-quality features like the stainless steel

Primer Barrier Washer: LCA16, LCA22, LCA27, LCA35, LCA50, LCA70 & LCA100
We present the most efficient equipment on the market with various models and features, which offer up to 60% energy savings. Because investing in quality and efficiency means investing in the future.
When the investment is shown by high-quality features like the stainless steel drum, reverse drum action, frequency inverter, and double air flow axial/radial… the energy saving is immediate. Because all this means a very important decrease in drying time and results in important savings in the machine’s running costs, this range becomes the perfect choice for the modern laundry sector.

- High spin soft mounted washer extractor, no need of anchorage, 2 opposed doors.
- Extraction speed 945 RPM.
- G force 400.
- Horizontally suspended drum by means of 2 axles which increase robustness, 1 compartment.
- Electric or steam heating.
- New EASY TOUCH microprocessor with Touch Screen and a lot of devices for a greater flexibility.
- 26 preset programs, unlimited creation of new programs.
- WET CLEANING system integrated (standard).
- Standard double display.
- OPTIMAL LOAD system integrated: manual indication of the load.
- 3 water inlets standard.
- Capacity 49 Kg.
- Body, drum and vat in stainless steel.
- Soap dispenser with 4 compartments.
- 8 signals for dosing pumps.
- Out of balance detection by means of the inverter.
- Traceability – data storage integrated.

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