Product Description

Key Features

- Utility ironing table with electrically heated board and suction unit.
- Version with built-in electric steam boiler, water pump, water feeding tank and electric steam iron.
- Built-in suction unit controlled by foot pedal.
- Adjustable board temperature by thermostat.
- Pedals on both sides of the table.
- Electric boiler with water feeding and automatic steam production.
- Working pressure: 2,6 bar.
- Manual feeding of water tank.
- Voltage: 230V I 50/60Hz
- Utility irnoing table with suction and electrically heated board, controlled by a thermostat.
- Built-in electric steam boiler.
- With standard board (1,200 x 400 x 250).
- Automatic water feeding.
Get a quote for FDA / FRA – Commercial Ironing Tables
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