What’s it all about?
Wet cleaning is a professional cleaning method that, in contrast to traditional dry cleaning, avoids the use of chemical solvents, the most common of which is Perchloroethylene or “PERC” used in most dry-cleaning shops in the UK. Environmental groups and the Environmental Protection Agency have indicated that such alternative “wet cleaning” methods are better for the environment than PERC, and proponents of wet cleaning state that these methods can be used without shrinking or otherwise damaging garments that typically require dry cleaning.
It’s not the use of water that makes wet-cleaning the safest method for cleaning clothes. Computer-controlled wet cleaning washing machines, special dryers, safe detergents and non-toxic spot removers are what make wet cleaning an environmentally sound method. Wet cleaning machines have controls that allow them to safely and efficiently clean a wide variety of garments in water. Detergents and spot removers are made of ingredients that are safer for workers and the environment, yet are as safe and effective at removing soils, stains and odours as dry cleaning solvents. Equipment, detergents and skill all contribute to successful wet cleaning.