Laundry outsourcing

That niche between domestic laundry and commercial-sized volumes is diverse and growing all the time. From equestrian and football clubs to luxury liners and care homes, the possibilities for on-premise laundries (opls) are endless.
Fortunately, for those thinking of upgrading or creating an opl, there are also many reliable specialists ready to offer sound advice and the ideal machines to suit your purpose and your budget.
MAG Laundry Equipment has helped to set up and upgrade thousands of opls. “By listening to your requests and offering a free site survey MAG can find the best solution to meet the demands of your business and budget,” said Daniel Holland, MAG’s operations manager. “Free advice and information are available for all types of businesses including commercial laundries, hotels, care homes, sports clubs, schools, holiday parks and more.
“Putting control in your own hands is one important reason to have your commercial washing machine, tumble dryer and ironer onsite to process some or all of your laundry,” said Holland. MAG Laundry Equipment’s range of high-spin washing machines is a standard option for on-premise laundries.
The high spin range of machines is able to extract at over 1000rpm, which significantly decreases tumble drying times when compared with low spin washing machines. Holland said: “MAG is proud to offer excellent products, affordable prices, and first-class customer service; this high-quality service is remembered, and MAG regularly receives repeat orders from loyal customers while generating new business from good word of mouth. “From 9kg to 150kg, MAG Laundry Equipment can supply and install the right machine for the job.
No job is too big or small for MAG’s design team, who can offer free planning to help ensure all installations are completed quickly and smoothly. Flexible payment options are available to suit each customer, including purchase outright, lease and rental. “When ordering with MAG you have the peace of mind that you will receive ongoing support thanks to their network of engineers across the UK, which is backed up with live telephone support 24/7/365 days a year. It has never been easier to order spare parts, repairs, gas certificates and maintenance visits for your on-premise laundries.” A luxury hotel in Doncaster has placed multiple orders with MAG Laundry Equipment.
The friendly team at MAG Laundry Equipment has helped set up and upgrade thousands of opls. “By listening to your requests and offering a free site survey MAG can find the best solution to meet the demands of your business and budget,” said Daniel Holland, MAG’s operations manager. “Free advice and information are available for all types of businesses, including commercial laundries, hotels, care homes, sports clubs, schools, holiday parks and more.
Compared to outsourcing, an opl could save time and money while improving quality. “Benefits of processing your laundry in-house include a higher quality finish and quicker turnaround times. With an opl you can take full control of your laundry operation to remove the risk of late deliveries, missing items and dirty/damaged laundry being returned.
“Putting control in your own hands is one important reason to have your own commercial washing machine, tumble dryer and ironer onsite to process some or all of your laundry,” said Holland. MAG Laundry Equipment’s range of high-spin washing machines is a very popular option for on-premise laundries.
MAG was put forward as a potential supplier, and though we had no prior knowledge of them, we placed an order for a 28kg washer as a first step. Our decision was based on the competitive quote, and attentive no-nonsense approach to our inquiry.” He continues: “I am sure we made the right decision. The installation and subsequent operation of the equipment have exceeded my expectations and those of the operatives using it.
Hello maglaundry, am Mr.Benlion CEO LION GROUP I need 4 industrial washing machines and 4 dryers.
Get me the cost and every thing,if there is anything else I need let me know.